Stay fit and have fun with a lowkey sport everyone can enjoy!

Stay fit and have fun with a lowkey sport everyone can enjoy!

Disc Golf is a great way for every member of the family to engage in a healthy physical activity away from electronics while enjoying some sunshine and nature!

Most Disc Golf courses are found in woodland areas, so while it is a sport with rules and goals; it is also similar to taking a slow stroll through the forest. Children love getting the opportunity to play in nature, and everyone will benefit from some physical exercise.

For young children, the benefits of playing disc golf are numerous. From better limb control and coordination to learning rules and setting goals as well as learning to anticipate results from actions. It is a great introductory sport for any young athlete.

For older kids and adults, doing a 9- or 18- hole course is a great way to structure some physical activity while cloaking it in fun! Imagine 2 hours of walking and throwing, but you enjoy it! And you'll walk away with family memories that will have you wishing you could get back out on the course sooner!

For older adults playing disc golf is a great way to get your heart pumping with a low-impact exercise that helps build and maintain lean muscle definition, and can improve both blood flow and heart rate. Plus it is a great way to get your children or grandchildren out of the house to spend some time with you!

With a myriad selection of starter discs and plenty of free training online (or simply asking any local enthusiast) it is easy and cheap to develop a love for the sport, and all the benefits it can bring.

Please, give it a try! Get out there and enjoy the scenery as well as the sport.

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